Healthy Energy-Boosting Ideas for Students

One of the major limiting factors for how much you can do as a student is your energy level. Worse, low energy levels often mean your performance drops, you struggle to control your mood, and you’re at a higher risk of suffering an accident. The good news is you can boost your energy in the following healthy ways — without needing caffeine and other stimulants that will only make you crash later.

1. Eight Hours of Sleep a Night

Without enough sleep, other energy-boosting tactics will have much less effect. It’s important to sleep eight hours every night to keep your circadian rhythms in check, to have plenty of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (which helps you form memories to retain everything you’ve learned in your classes), and to be able to function throughout the day.

2. A Daily Workout

Although exercising requires energy, it ultimately boosts your energy levels. A daily workout is particularly useful for increasing your mental energy, since it helps you control stress. You’ll also fall asleep faster, meaning you need to be in bed for less time to gain a full eight hours of sleep.

3. At Least 10 to 15 Minutes of Sunlight

Try to spend some time in the sun every day. You need a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes a day — this should be achievable even on short winter days. Sunlight is your best source of vitamin D, which is essential for several body processes, including for maintaining a good mood.

4. Breaks Between Studying

You’ll become exhausted if you try to study without a pause. It can be tempting to keep going and finish everything as soon as possible, but your mind will be unable to work tirelessly without a break. Spending just a few minutes on a relaxing task to break up your study session will reenergize you and prevent burnout.

5. Meditation

Through meditating, you focus on your breath and keep your mind in the present. This makes it impossible to dwell on worries and reduces anxiety, helping you feel that you have more energy. You could practise meditation on a regular basis or use the techniques before stressful events, such as tests.

6. Listening to Music

Any music you enjoy can give you energy. Music can be a great pick-me-up at the start of the day, on your walk to class, or during chores. You may also like to play music while studying — some students find it helps to concentrate, but others find this too distracting.

7. A Healthy Diet

Since energy comes from food, it makes sense that a balanced diet is key to boosting energy. Sugary foods will give you energy in the moment, but the effects will soon wear off. You’ll see a long-lasting impact if you eat foods that give you a slow release of energy, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables. You’ll also have more energy if you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

8. A Daily Routine

You’ll exert less energy if you stick to a routine. This is because when you start acting on autopilot, there’s no need to find motivation. Begin your routine by waking up at the same time each morning and eating a healthy breakfast. Schedule regular study sessions, noting down what you’ll cover and perhaps where you want to study. You should find that this keeps you on track, meaning you never need to stay up late to meet a due date.

You’ll also have more energy if you’re able to relax properly when you come home at the end of the day. This is difficult when you’re sharing a cramped space on campus, which is why many students prefer to find a room for rent. Waterloo students can find the ideal housing at Preston House or Bridgeport House. You’ll have a private bedroom for when you want to be alone and communal amenities like a pool table and ping pong table for when you want some company. Book a tour to visit the building of your choice.